Coal , Mechel Group | 24 June 2016 г. | 14:29

Mechel grows coal output

Mechel grows coal output
In 1Q2016 Mechel Group increased coal mine by 3% to 5.663 mln tons, coking coal concentrate sales – by 6% to 2.156 mln tons.

“In this reporting period, our company operated smoothly and stably, with positive results on many counts. Mechel’s coal mining remained at the previous quarter’s level. It is important to note that the share of coking coal in the first quarter’s mining volumes has increased. As for the situation in the coal markets, it has not changed – international coal producers are still under pressure from low prices. Nevertheless, in this year’s second quarter, coking coal prices have grown, albeit slightly, both domestically and internationally, and we consider that as an optimistic sign for the entire industry”, Mechel P’s Chief Executive Officer Oleg Korzhov commented.

Source: Metal Supply and Sales Magazine
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