RUSAL , Renova Group | 19 March 2012 г. | 10:54

Sual Partners statement regarding decision of Rusal Board of Directors to elect new Chairman of the Board

Sual Partners statement regarding decision of Rusal Board of Directors to elect new Chairman of the Board

Sual Partners, which owns 15.8% stake in UC Rusal, said today that the decision by the Board of Directors of UC Rusal to elect a new Chairman of the Board Barry Cheung was rushed and non-optimal from the standpoint of the long-term interests of the company.

"The company should have completed a full-fledged examination of candidates for the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors with the assistance of international consultants, - official spokesman of SUAL Partners Andrey Shtorkh said. - Moreover, our stated position remains that the Board of Directors of the company 80% of the assets of which are located in Russia, should be chaired by a Russian citizen, whose independence from any of the major shareholders of UC Rusal is beyond any doubt ".

Sual Partners Limited - shareholder of UC Rusal, representing the interests of the former owners of the "Siberian-Urals Aluminium Company" (Sual), Viktor Vekselberg, Leonard Blavatnik and their partners. To date, Sual Partners controls 15,8031% of UC Rusal.

Source: Metal Supply & Sales
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