Norilsk Nickel | 12 July 2011 г. | 10:14

Norilsk Nickel corporate integrated quality and environmental management system meets international standards

Norilsk Nickel corporate integrated quality and environmental management system meets international standards

Norilsk Nickel has successfully re-certificated its integrated quality and environmental management system (IQEMS) for compliance with requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 international standards. First IQEMS certification was performed in 2005.

The re-certification audit was carried out by an independent certification body Bureau Veritas Certification Rus at the following sites: Head Office (Moscow), Polar Division (Norilsk), Polar Transport Division (Dudinka) and Murmansk Transport Division (Murmansk).

Yuri Filippov, one of the Company’s leaders, responsible for the Company’s quality and HSE management expressed his satisfaction as to the audit’s results. According to Mr. Filippov, IQEMS allows the Company to meet high standards of product quality and stimulates continuous improvement of governance and production technologies which enables the Company to further improve environmental situation in the regions of its operations.

He also emphasized that MMC Norilsk Nickel has significantly extended IQEMS certification area and application field through implementation of ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 requirements with regards to the Company shipping its cargoes using own vessels.

Due to IQEMS development, quality and environmental policies of MMC Norilsk Nickel were reviewed in 2011. Firstly, the renewal is related to the Company’s acceptance of obligations to ensure pollution prevention during cargo sea transportation and vessel operations.

In a final statement, Head of Audit Timofey Korotky emphasized improvements in some of the Company’s operation areas and the management system’s ability to succeed and comply with Quality and Environmental Policies of MMC Norilsk Nickel.


MMC Norilsk Nickel, a company incorporated under the laws of the Russian Federation, is the largest diversified mining and metals company in Russia, the world's largest producer of nickel and palladium and one of the world's largest producers of platinum, rhodium, copper and cobalt. In addition to this, MMC Norilsk Nickel produces a large number of other by-products, including gold, silver, tellurium, selenium, iridium and ruthenium.

The key production units of the Company’s group in Russia are at the Polar and Kola Peninsulas. MMC Norilsk Nickel international assets include operations in Finland, Australia, Botswana and South Africa.

MMC Norilsk Nickel’s shares are traded at MICEX and RTS. ADRs on the Company’s shares are traded at over the counter market in the US and at the London and Berlin stock exchanges.

Source: Metal Supply & Sales
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