MMK saved two fuel rolling stocks

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), summarized the implementation of measures to reduce consumption of fuel and energy resources in the divisions and companies of the MMK Group in the first nine months of 2011.
Results for nine months of 2011 show that 148 events aimed at energy savings were fully implemented, also 14 additional events are in progress. This project is part of the program on reduce of energy recourses consumption in the divisions and companies which are part of the MMK Group in 2011. The program includes measures to reduce consumption of electricity, fuel, water (both drinking and industrial), heat, air separation products.
The implementation of the program in the first nine months, 2011 will enable the company to save around 30 million rubles (in annual value). Almost half of this amount (more than 14.3 million rubles) accounts for the share for saving fuel recourses, the consumption of which in yearly terms will decrease to 5816 tons of fuel. Thus, such amount of economized fuel can fill in two full fuel rolling stocks. Nearly 10 million rubles will be saved
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